Cultivating a rightly ordered love of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness

Established 2014
Copyright © 2024
Health & Immunizations
There has been some confusion about whether homeschoolers in a group setting can still make their own choices about immunizations because the new law states that homeschool students who “receive classroom-based instruction” are not exempt. However, this law ONLY applies to children enrolled in a public school independent study program, as described in California Education Code Section 51745. Children enrolled in a home-based private school program can freely participate in co-op classes. Since the Academy is a PSP, parents may choose to immunize their child or not. The law requiring immunizations for school attendance does not apply to Academy enrolled students. However, whether immunized or not, all school children, including those homeschooling with the Academy, must comply with the California reporting laws, which the Academy files each year. Since kindergarten is not mandatory in California and the Academy is a PSP, the Academy has opted to not formally enroll students until first grade. Thus, the Academy is not required to file the kindergarten Immunization Assessment report. All schools that enroll 7th grade students must annually file the 7th Grade Immunization Assessment, which the Academy files. Either the booster needs to be given for Tdap before October 15 of a student's 7th grade school year or, if not immunizing, the dose will be marked as missing because of "home-based private instruction".

Health Exams:
Students are required to either have a health exam prior to entry to first grade/prior to entering any grade if a first time student in California, or to have a waiver form signed by their parents. Schools are no longer required to report information about the exams or waivers to the CDPH; however, a report of exam or waiver is required to be kept in each student’s records. You can find the health exam form here. You can find the waiver to the health exam here. One or the other of these needs to be filled out and returned to the school office prior to the first day of school.